Do you have trouble getting technology to work for you? Never know where to click next on Google Slides? Total frustrated because the technology that is supposed to make things easier actually makes them harder? Not only that but takes up more time than you have. You know the time that you were going to use for holiday shopping.
If this is you, I have a website that will help you out on both fronts, Sam’s Technology Articles.
Sam’s Technology Articles is a pro-bono client I’ve given some advice. Sam is my next-door neighbor and is currently in second grade.
Just in time for the holidays. Sam’s Technology Articles, a whole lot more than technology “how to”.
Sam’s Technology Articles is an online resource for “how to” articles and videos for technology and offers great gifts for the whole family! Gifts like digital prints and books authored by Sam himself.
On a side note, Sam had a great Halloween costume dressing up like Steve Jobs! Sam let us know all the grown-ups “got it” but he had to explain it to the other kids.